Sophie Simon: A Filmmaker

“Paving the Waves: A Documentary”

My newest film "Paving the Waves” covers the stories of 4 different female surfers born and raised in the 805. We hear how generationally the surf community has been primarily male-dominated, and how it affects female surfers. The film covers the surf history of Ventura's trailblazers female surfer Mary Monks aka "Mondo's Mary." The females in the film share the challenges they have faced, the inclusion they have yet to see, aswell as the small steps they have seen for equality in the water.

“Paving the Waves: A Documentary”

Directed by Sophie Simon

Cinematography by Sophie Simon, Beth O’Rourke, Naomi Schmitt

Edited by Sophie Simon

“Creative Destruction: A Documentary”

Directed by Camille Quien

Cinematography by Sophie SImon, Camille Quien

Edited by Sophie Simon

Women’s Shred Sesh

By Sophie Simon

Delilah Safran: Dawn Patrol

By Sophie Simon

Home Tour for Jeff Belzer x LIV Sotheby’s Realty

By Sophie Simon

Ventura Middle School Surf Team Practice

By Sophie Simon

Makos Surf Camp x Carver Skateboards

By Sophie Simon

Ventura Surf Team Party

By Sophie Simon

Gold Coast Waterpolo Recruitment

By Sophie Simon